Humor, well I have a very broad view of humor I do not know where to start. For me humor ranges from movies, comedians, and funny daily life thing that happen that make me laugh. First, the movies I consider to be funny are not always the ones that make me laugh out loud, they can be dark comedies as well where you really have to pay attention to the movies or you will miss the jokes. The comedy movies I like range from movies from comedians like, (yes) Jim Carrey, to Dane Cook, to watching movies from stand up comedians like Richard Pryor, George Lopez, amongst others. Also I’m a fan of British comedy movies, like Snatch (with Brad Pitt, Jason Stathom, and others), Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (with Jason Stathom, Vinnie Jones, and others), and some of their shows too like, “Little Britain.” Also, as I stated before humor for me also happens everyday when you catch yourself or others doing funny or stupid things and end up laughing about those retarded things you just did. It does not necessarily has to be about things that just happened but things that you did in the past and you are talking with your friends, family, or coworkers about them and laughing at that. So for me humor is just one giant ball of things that make me smile or laugh and maybe end up making my day.
Now, when I think of style, I think of the personality of a person. For me it is not what you wear or where you buy your clothes or how expensive they are, you can be the nicest dressed person in the room and have a crappy personality. I for instance do like to dress up (when I feel like it or when I need to J ) but I have a good personality to go with it. I am also not one of those trend following people like there are many out there, I usually dress up in what I feel I will look good and what I will feel comfortable wearing, if those two things do not combine then I will not buy that something and wear it. So for me it has to be a combination with those three things comfortness, likelihood of me wearing it, and have a good personality to go with it.
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